What is the role of communication in management of communications?
For understanding Management of communications we need to understand communications.
Communication is understood as a process through which humanity shares and exchanges information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, experiences, experiences, customs, habits, attitudes, aptitudes, facts, data, figures and knowledge about the world and the culture of the people and places it inhabits; helping you to know your reality, determine and understand your problems and needs, identify your opportunities and, in general, help you make decisions, aimed at promoting a positive transformation of your life project, of the organizations that you create and integrate and of the companies that dynamizes.
It is evident that communication is fundamental for the interaction and evolution of humanity, essential for coexistence, individual and social happiness, strategic for the growth, development, and progress of the productive apparatuses that man has created to satisfy his own needs. Therefore, the human being is constantly in search of ideas to improve communication, making it more agile, fast, efficient, and effective.
Elements of Communications
Communication is a process where different elements are essential, for example, find the sender and receiver, who have the responsibility of defining the message and selecting the channel, however, this interaction has not been perfect, in its different dimensions, to personal (interpersonal), organizational and business (commercial) level.
On some occasions, the message flows like a code and generates noises, they are not always fully received, either due to their quality, crisis, temporality, completeness, interpretation or simply due to inadequate reception. It is for this reason that man has investigated, creatively invented and developed new information and communication technologies, which have become technological developments and have managed to be introduced as revolutionary innovations, which have been transforming communications in all their dimensions and applications.
Internet and Computing in Communications
The first thing to bring a snack, is what we know as the internet and computing, in relation to communication. Computer science is a science that, through methods, processes and techniques, helps people, companies and organizations in the storage, processing, transfer and exchange of knowledge, data, figures or information, in digital format, this being possible in large part, to the existence and evolution of the internet, as it is understood as a set of communication networks, which with multimedia and telematics have made possible the configuration of a modern system of means of expression, communication networks and services.
From web 1.0 to what we know today as web 4.0, it can be seen that we go from browsing pages to accessing content and information in reading mode, then to communication events such as: blogs, forums and social networks, wikis, YouTube, video games, virtual reality, 3d graphics and use of all of the above on different devices, up to web 3.0, with which the world of communications has been revolutionized, that is, you over IP / VoIP and the innovations of the present, within the framework of web 4.0, hand in hand with robotics, the internet of things, artificial intelligence in conjunction with machine learning and everything that has made possible the emergence of a new model of interaction, communication and understanding, with the support and use of modern technologies, stories such as the Cloud and intelligent agents.
It is evident that information and communication technologies, in this globalized world, are changing the way in which people, companies communicate with their workers, suppliers, creditors, clients and other members of their organizational community.
As an example of the above, we find the influence of technology in the surgical of modern strategies increasingly used in customer care and service. The means of communication that they have been using are different, among them we find: the telephone, the PBX, the Internet, E-mail, Chat, Fax, Telefax, Citofono, El Celular, the Beeper and the Call Centers, among others, another example, what represents the way of doing marketing, given that today people go to networks, social networks, podcasts, videos, blogs, Internet forums, images and other different and innovative ways of reaching the company’s stakeholders. or from a public organization.
We can conclude with what has been discussed so far in this document, that the way of communicating is undergoing a true transformation and the main responsible for this evolution are the new information and communication technologies.
Now, the society that these changes in communications serve, demands great flexibility and the ability to resolve these new trends, in the face of all kinds of problems and needs that humanity has and not only the companies that people create.
Then, the following concern arises, with relevance and timeliness…
What role does communication play in the search and implementation of solutions to pandemics such as the Coronavirus or Covid 2019?
In order to respond to this concern, it is necessary to generate a sense of location, through a conceptual and referential framework regarding what we understand as viruses, epidemics and pandemics, and then find articulation with communication, from the educational perspectives and a comprehensive solution to the problem.
According to the NIH (National Human Genome Research Institute), “a virus is an infectious agent that is at the limit of what we consider a living organism. It is a particle much smaller than a bacterial cell, and consists of a small DNA or RNA genome surrounded by a protein coat.
Viruses enter host cells and sequester enzymes and materials from these host cells to produce more copies of themselves. Viruses cause a wide variety of plant and animal diseases, including AIDS, measles, smallpox, polio, and the current pandemic case, Coronavirus – Covic 2019. Bettie J. Graham, Ph.D, says that a virus “cannot be seen under a microscope and needs a living cell in order to survive and replicate. The structure of viruses is very diverse and varies in size, shape, and chemical composition (Contreras, J., Flores. 1994). Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, but vaccines are, as well as some antivirals. “
As stated, viruses are very dangerous and can cause many diseases, infecting people, animals, and even plants. The World Health Organization WHO, has stated in this regard, that when infections and diseases derived from them, appear suddenly in a specific place and at a certain time, this should be known as an Outbreak and if this disease is actively spreading Due to the fact that its contagion has been uncontrolled and literally the foci of infection are multiple and the number of cases in a specific geographic area is increasing, so we are facing an Epidemic. The latter can be considered a Pandemic, as long as the following criteria are met:
“That the epidemic outbreak affects more than one continent and that the cases of each country are no longer imported but caused by community transmission”
(this is the case of Coronavirus – Covid 2019).

What is a coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are an extensive family of viruses that can cause disease in both animals and humans. In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections that can range from the common cold to more serious illnesses such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.
Precisely the World Health Organization, has been a Global example, in terms of the use of technology and its applications, aimed at the optimization and efficient management of communication. There are countless communication strategies that he has used with the initial purpose of educating, alerting, preventing and helping awareness, creating culture and designing and implementing strategies that help mitigate what we now know as the most impressive of the pandemics in the history of humanity (Covic 2019). The WHO has established that “COVID-19 is the most recently discovered infectious disease caused by coronavirus. Both the new virus and the disease were unknown before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. ”
In the face of this pandemic facing humanity, how can communication be used strategically, thus contributing to an early solution?
This interesting question is the essence of this article, to give a comprehensive answer that can be understood by any audience, it was necessary to contextualize the communication, then on a virus, outbreak, epidemic, pandemic, and finally, elements were provided that allow understand the difference between Coronavirus and Covid -19.
Now it is necessary to use all that has been said to understand that one of the most important actions that all countries and governments must undertake in order to counter the catastrophic impact of the virus, is to take full advantage of all the information and communication technologies available, in such a way. so that the negative impact on the health of people and the economy is minimized, as well as in other social, economic, technological, religious, cultural, environmental, political and legal spheres, among others.
To answer the question we will use real examples. Initially we bring up the role of governments and major international organizations. The WHO, through its Press center, has promoted the development of press releases, disseminated through web pages, newspapers, the media (written press, radio and television), they have also used public statements with television coverage and mass dissemination, which have been supplemented with notes for the world’s media, along with specialized comments and reports. On the website, social networks (YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other media), disclosure of frequently asked questions and appropriate answers to them, links to other pages, chat, holding events, videoconferences and creation from a specific website of Word Health Organization.
Most governments in the world, including that of the United States, have promoted an unprecedented communication campaign, making use of exclusive communication channels to address issues related to the Coronavirus – Covid19, telephone hotlines and specialized, web pages, Call Center, Social Media, YouTube Channel, forums, among other resources used.
How to Improve Your Management Communication Skills
The main world universities and expert researchers in communication agree in recommending strategic actions in times of the coronavirus, especially talking about the need to design or strengthen the organizational communication plan, for example, Paul Argenti (is Professor of Corporate Communication at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College), through the Harvard Business Review, recommends implementing different steps:
The fist it suggests that any type of organization, be it public or private, should create a team for centralized communication, it should lead the research, design of the messages, the choice of disclosure channels and permanent updating.
The second that this expert recommends is the need to communicate with his employees, textually states that “Employees are their most important constituency and act as ambassadors to the community. If they are not informed and do not understand what is happening, communications outside the organization will be more difficult. The company needs to demystify the situation of employees, put everyone’s minds at ease and provide hope for the future.
The third thing that Professor Paul Argenti recommends is to communicate regularly with customers, in a different way than they do with employees, especially due to the regularity and frequency with which the organization interacts with this interest group. Some take advantage of crises, such as those created by a pandemic, to find or create business opportunities, so they use advertising and promotion strategies to connect with new customers and develop lasting business relationships. As a fourth step, the expert considers that the communication strategy must also reassure shareholders and finally suggests being proactive with communities, since everything that happens within organizations around the coronavirus, for example, affects everyone in the world. members of the organizational community, including the communities that surround them, that is, those who are in their area of influence and operations.
Other recommendations
Given the above recommendations, companies that are at the forefront of communications and that are dedicated to positively transforming the way people, government entities and companies communicate for commercial purposes, such as LinkedIP, have decided to contribute and add value to the development of society in times of pandemic, making significant contributions, therefore they become another example of how we can use technological resources to achieve better, faster, uninterrupted and effective communication.
How CEOs can respond to COVID-19 ?
Its CEO, Miguel Licero, “As the global effect of Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, LinkedIP is firmly committed to taking advantage of the economic impact it can cause by seeking ways to serve our communities and our country.
Since people are now suggested to stay at home, work from home or refrain from going out and participating as usual in professional, work and social activities, then, that is why, following our vision of providing tools to people in this country, we offer our LinkedIP Meet online meeting platform for free. Until further notice, you can use LinkedIP Meet at no cost so you can create virtual meeting spaces regardless of whether you are meeting with employees, providers, partners, students, patients, etc. offering LinkedIP Meet, Real-time and live communication between a host and multiple participants, with HD Audio and HD Video, facilitating, Talks, Screen Sharing and the opportunity to develop recording of the local conferences you run.
Other large companies have wanted to offer potential and real users, in times of this pandemic, the possibility of communicating through the Free Internet. Other organizations provide access to traditionally paid videos, movies, books, and materials, now temporarily free access.
In conclusion, the Cloud, communication via IP / VoIP, the Internet, artificial intelligence, robotics, blogs, videoconferencing systems and other modern technological tools, can be useful to counter a pandemic, such as the Coronavirus – Covic 19 in special, because through them, information, knowledge and messages that manage to educate, raise awareness, create culture and foster collaborative work to find solutions, implement innovative strategies to end the sources of contamination, heal and soothe the sick today, even communication today is also used to help give a last goodbye to those who have died. There is much to be done, with the proper use of communication, we will create better conditions so that with the help of God we achieve victory, which is evident with the health and happiness of homes in the world.
For more information, visit our website: http://linkedip.com/, or contact us through:
Ricardo Pérez Sáenz
Miguel Licero